Photo Competition

Miss C Walker - Overall Grand Prize Winner

Photo Competition Winners Announced

Mrs C Stalker - Stalls

Dr P Collins - Exhibitors

Sarah Trenbirth - Judges

Dr G Eyres - Cat & Kitten

Pat & Cathy would like to thank everyone for entering the competition it was a very hard task to pick the winners. All the photo were great. We also hope that all at the show had a great day.

Many thanks also all those who helped on the day,
Pat & Cathy

Grand Prize = Free Show Entry 2019 Show

Cats/ Kittens = £10 Gift Voucher

Judges = £10 Gift Voucher

Exhibitors = £10 Gift Voucher

Show Team = £10 Gift Voucher

Stalls = £10 Gift Voucher

Check out the photos and results from the 2018 show!

An amazing day full of felines, fun and friendships.